Tree Detail

Crataegus laevigata


Hawthorn, English

Crataegus laevigata   "Paul's Scarlet"

Category: deciduous tree   Size: small

Mature Size: 25' x 20'

Zone: 4 - 8   Growth Rate: slow

Foliage: Dark green, serrated, lobed leaves, 1-2" long.

Elevation (if known):

Water: Low.

Soil : Well-drained. Does OK in clay, but prefers heavy, dry loam

Sun: Full sun to partial shade.

Comments: Note: Denver, CO, list says zone 5. Produces rose/red flowers in mid May. Fall foliage is soft red and orange. Heavy shade.

Warnings: Has thorns. Slightly more susceptible to fireblight than cockspur hawthorn. Susceptible to leaf spot/blight (especially in wet climates) and Cedar Hawthorn rust. "Crimson Cloud" might be more resistant to blight. Seed is poisonous if ingested. Requires regular pruning to establish and maintain central leader and good structure.

Alamosa Tree Board Recommended? yes

Street Tree? yes   Street Tree Conditions: Lower branches may need to be removed, but plant away from people due to sharp thorns.

CO/NM native? no   Native to: Europe and N Africa

Known Locations:

Information Sources: Denver Tree List; Sunset Western Garden Book; Alamosa Tree Board